About Me

Hi! I'm Britney

I’m a mom of two and a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST)

When I first became a mom, I was not a CPST and I made a lot of mistakes bringing my baby home from the hospital.

A seat check with me is judgement-free because I have a been a parent who unknowingly made car seat mistakes! I know that no parent or caregiver is trying to endanger their child.

I became a CPST to help parents and caregivers feel confident from the first time they harness their child in a car seat. I have helped over 50 families ensure their children were riding safely. I am a car seat safety nerd, and educating parents and caregivers is my passion!

I will give you the information and tools you need to be an expert in your own car(s) and car seat(s) so you can make the best and safest choices while transporting your child(ren).

I don’t offer a “car seat installation” service. Instead, I provide expert, hands-on instruction in car seat installation and proper harnessing. After a consultation with me, you will have the tools and knowledge to install your car seat and harness your child safely and correctly every time.

As a Shoreline/North Seattle resident, my primary focus is educating my local community on car seat safety. In addition to private consultations, I also participate in free community car seat check events throughout the year.

Let’s keep our community's children safe in transit!