Are Vehicle Seat Protectors Safe?
Cars are a huge investment for a family and they are a hassle to keep clean (especially with children on board). As a mom, I can see why parents and caregivers would want to use a seat protector to stop mess and protect their investment! However, many car seat manufacturers forbid the use of seat protectors or towels under the car seat. Some car seat manufacturers do allow the use of seat protectors or a single layer towel under their car seats, but I generally do not recommend using either one (even if allowed) as they can cause you to think you have a tight installation when you don't.
If your car seat manufacturer does allow the use of a seat protector or towel, there is a "seat protector test" you can do to determine if your seat protector is safe to use:
Check your car seat manual to determine whether (and which) seat protectors are allowed.
If a seat protector is allowed, install as directed on the packaging.
Install your car seat tightly on top of the seat protector.
Do the "handshake test" to see if the seat moves more than an inch front to back or side to side when tested with your non-dominant hand at the belt path.
Remove the seat protector by either sliding it out from under the car seat without uninstalling it, or by removing (without loosening) one of the LATCH straps and removing the seat protector and then replacing the still-tightened LATCH strap.
Test the tightness of the car seat installation with the "handshake test" now that you have removed the seat protector. If you still can't move it more than an inch at the belt path, you can use that approved seat protector. If your installation is now too loose, that seat protector is not safe to use under your car seat.
If you’re hoping to use a vehicle seat protector to stop the car seat from damaging the vehicle seat, please rest assured that correctly installed car seats do not do permanent damage to vehicle seats! They may leave indentations in leather seats, but those dents will bounce back in time once the seat has been uninstalled.
The choice to use a vehicle seat protector or towel (if your car seat manufacturer allows it) is up the parent/caregiver. I encourage you to try the seat protector test to make sure any allowed mats/towels are not interfering with your installation!