Disposing of an Expired or Damaged Car Seat
Once your car seat has expired or been damaged, it's no longer safe to use! Before you toss it out on the curb, see if you can recycle it!
Target does biannual car seat recycling events. They take expired and damaged seats and give you a 20% off coupon for a new seat purchased at Target. The dates change every year, so keep your eye out for these events around April/September each year. At any full-sized Target store, they will accept any type of car seat (including expired and damaged car seats) and, in exchange, you receive a 20% off coupon to purchase another car seat (or qualifying baby item) at Target.
If the next car seat you want isn’t at Target but you still want to recycle your car seat, check out recycleyourcarseat.org to see if your state has a recycling program. Many states have free car seat recycling programs!
If you’d like to recycle your car seat, don’t mind paying $50 to do so, AND you want a coupon for a new Clek seat, check out carseatrecycling.com.
If you can't recycle your seat, you'll need to dispose of it safely. Instead of just putting it out on the curb where it can be picked up by someone else who may try to re-use or re-sell an expired/damaged car seat, take these steps before putting your car seat out with the trash:
1. Remove all padding from the car seat shell
2. Write “EXPIRED” or “DAMAGED” all over the shell
3. Cut the harness straps
4. Put the car seat shell and parts into a black plastic bag before you put it on the curb (or in a dumpster) so it can’t be identified as a car seat
Hopefully this helps you dispose of your expired/damaged car seat safely!